Monday, May 26, 2014

Favorites: "A Finger, Two Dots, Then Me"


"I will love you till there is no till. Till I die. And when that electroencephalogram shuts down baby, that's when the real lovin' kicks in." 

"I'm sure I'll take the light wonder bombs to the point in the universe where sound does end -- the back porch of God's summer home -- and it's so quiet there you float, and it feels the way cotton candy tastes." 

"Feeling God in a pool hall but not church -- holy...Losing your watch in the sea and all that that signifies -- holy."

"The universe will bend. The planets will bow. And I will say, 'Oh, there you are. I been waitin' for ya. Now we can go.' And the two pilot lights go zooooom into the black construction paper night."


I've always loved poetry. Going to my first spoken word poetry night in middle school took the poetry experience to a whole new level and now cinematic spoken word is taking it even further. Derrick Brown is one of my favorite incredibly talented beat poets (he's performed with bands such as the Cold War Kids, the Decemberists and the Flaming Lips, for all you music lovers), and his poems never disappoint. "A Finger, Two Dots, Then Me" is one of my favorites poems of his -- it's been over three years since the Holechek Brothers put it to video, and it still remains one of my favorite spoken word pieces. Enjoy.
///// If you're pulling up this page from a mobile phone, some won't load the youtube video at the top of the post. You can access the video at this link: ////////

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